Custard Apple or Annona Reticulata is known as “buah nona” in Malaysia. Heart-shaped fruit, 10-15 cm in length and 10 cm in diameter; contains cream-coloured, juicy pulp. The mature fruit is heart shaped, sometimes oval or conical. It takes a long time to mature. The surface of the fruit is smooth with hexagonal lines and reddish brown in colour. The flesh, like the other Annonas, is pulpy and contains numerous brown seeds. The tree reaching 8-10 m in height. It sometimes shed its leaves, behaving as semi-deciduous. Leaves are used as an insecticide and anthelmintic and the fruits as an anti-diarrhoeic. Flowers are often produced in clusters. Leaves and stem constituents include: anonaine, roemerine, corydine, isocorydine and many other aporphine alkaloids. All parts of the tree contain hydrogen cyanide, especially the bark.
1 comment:
Can you dry the seeds and plant to get mre fruit?
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